There seems to be a lot of discussion regarding this point, in fact lately there seems to be a lot of discussion about a lot of topics that affect me directly.
Do not confuse this statement with, “I am not happy being gay,” or, “I wish I was not gay.” All it means is I did not choose to be gay.
A lot of the arguments I have heard about why I should not have the right to marry the man I love are based on the premise that my homosexuality is a choice, and therefore it doesn’t matter who I love because I did not choose to love a woman.
The fact is that even if were shown tomorrow that my sexuality was not a choice but an outcome based solely on biological influences those people fighting so hard to keep me from getting married would not admit their mistake. They would not apologize and offer me well wishes for a long and happy marriage. They would not give me a set of towels off of my wedding registry.
Black people did not choose to be born black. That did not stop people from treating them like second class human beings for so many years of this country’s history.
It does not matter whether I chose to be gay or not. If you think it’s wrong to be gay, you will make it known, and you will make my life difficult, and you’ll do most of it in the name of God.
It is so disheartening that my marriage is going out for a popular vote. It is depressing that so many people who don’t live in California are contributing so much money in the name of God to take that right away from us. A right that was long fought for and only so recently gained.
To all the straight married people out there, be thankful that your marriage will never be put up for a vote.