Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Weigh-In #2

Hooray! Week #2 and I lost 1.2 lbs. Also I am very happy that I am not very sore this week, I'm settling into the new exercise routine, and I'm not hungry all the time anymore.

I'm definitely looking forward to a cheat meal this weekend. I'm thinking a yummy pastrami sandwich or a nice cheeseburger. But why settle for one? Louis Burger in Long Beach will make you a delicious "Colossal Burger" which is a burger with some pastrami meat thrown on top. I know it sounds terrible, but it's so greasily delicious.


Carly said...

yay!!! keep up the good work. i need inspiration so i don't waddle down the aisle in four months...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the great start!!! Good luck on working towards your goal. A friend of mine is losing weight basically on a liquid diet and it is really tough for her.